Hi, I’m Fernanda Richnak, a Program Manager on the Outlook team. I’m pleased to share with you a new feature: the ability to automatically shorten links for OneDrive and SharePoint files.
We’ve made these updates to improve the readability of links to OneDrive and SharePoint files that are shared with recipients using Outlook for Windows. Senders will also be warned if Outlook detects potential access issues for recipients. Then they will be given the ability to address them prior to sending. This will ensure that the links you send will work for recipients.
How it works
When you’re composing an email, you can perform one of these actions:
- Copy a link to a file stored on OneDrive or SharePoint. Then paste it into the body of an email message.
- On the Message tab, select Link > Insert Link and select a file stored on OneDrive or SharePoint.
- Right-click the body of an email message and select Link > Insert Link. Then select a file stored on OneDrive or SharePoint.
Outlook will automatically add the file type icon (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and shorten the URL to the name of the document. You can undo this change and show the full URL. Just right-click the link and select Show Full URL.
You can manage the permissions for the link in the Links settings dialog box directly in Outlook by clicking on the link. You can also do so by right clicking the link and selecting Manage Access.
Outlook will display errors inline if the link will not work for the recipients of the email.
If Outlook is unable to detect if a link will work (e.g. user is offline), a message informing the sender will be displayed:
This feature is available to Office 365 subscribers using Outlook for Windows on Insider Fast Version 2005 (Build 12810.20002) or later. We’re releasing this feature to Insider Fast users during April.
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